Kichcha Sudeep Shares A small Thought On 'Hebbuli' Which Is A Must Read..

by February 21, 2017 0 comments
The below statements which you'll read is completely copy - paste of what Abhinaya Chakravarthy Kichcha Sudeep has shared on his Google+ wall...

I was in a meeting with a few, when my assistant walked in and whispered in my ear that Krishna has come ,n is waiting downstairs. My immediate question was “Krishna who? ”to which he whispered again ,, “MungaaruMale DOP” sir. I Informed my assist to take care of him till I finished up with the meeting.. A little later I walked down to the lower floor n saw Kitappa(Krishna) seated at the edge of the sofa.. Probably this body language of his,gave me a clue to what he was there for.. i welcomed him with a hug n said “yes? “ ..To which Kitappa started,, “sir,,wanted to ask if u would do a,,,” ….. n I again said “yes” even before he could complete his line .. I can never forget that smile that Took over his serious face..
That yes wasn’t to a director who had come for an appointment to narrate a script,,,That yes was to a dear friend n a technician , whom I have seen as a Wonderful Human n forever smiling.. And that immediate “yes” was probably coz I couldn’t see him carrying such a serious look. I guess every person who’s carrying a dream, goes through this process,, coz the dream coming true, now depends on those he will be associated with from then. He had walked into my house with a dream n that dream was “HEBBULI”.

Now came in SRV productions & Umapathy Films ,,as a backbone to this dream,, n From here,, started a journey of their Dream n Hard-work. Both Raghunath n Umapathy are very focussed and hardworking .. Hebbuli needed that extra love,care n pampering ,,n they both gave it all ,, n never once discounted on it,, nor did they once let the word “compromise” creep in.. Yes it takes huge money to accomplish something huge. And not to neglect n forget that it’s never the beginning ,,but during the process of making a film, that relationships n people fall apart. Raghunath n Umapathy did hold their belief, energy, excitement n people together,,during the toughest days n moments ,, n the end result is HEBBULI

The entire process of making has been filled with fun n focus.. Fun coz of the lovely people working for it ,,n Focus coz of the “never give up” attitude each one on the set carried. Everyone together has contributed their best n a lot MORE TO HEBBULI, than what was expected of them all.. More than that, they gave it LOVE,,N to this love ,,the responses u all friends have been giving to anything connected to Hebbuli,, gave th entire team tat extra energy to do better..

Thank you All for this Love n Unconditional Support.

Much Love,